Shakuntala-Shyam Foundation

It’s so heartbreaking to see how our country’s tribal artists have forgotten what it feels like to be valued for their craft.

The Dream

On one of our journeys, we asked a group of tribal artists in the forgotten villages of West Bengal, “What do you see as the future of your art?” All we got in reply was a vacant, despaired look. From all of them. It was a look that said it all. And a look that reflects the story of our artists across the country.

After all, what is the future of these art forms? Today, they are just fading heirlooms. Centuries of craft on the brink of extinction.

That’s why the Shakuntala-Shyam Foundation was born. To enable our artists to get back on their feet and make fine arts a viable source of income for struggling artists across India.

Warli painting

The Practice

Our entire focus is to widen horizons and open up new opportunities for Indian artists. From setting up basic infrastructure to offering new avenues of income, our work is about creating a system of enablers for these art forms to become self-sustaining.

And we’re offering patrons like you the perfect opportunity to be part of creating this change. Every time you buy or commission a piece of art from Kutumb Kala, a fixed percentage of our earnings goes towards the betterment of artist lives. In addition to this, you can also support the cause by spreading the word and/or donating your resources.

Because for these artists, every little bit means that they get to practice their art for another day.



As a part-time content creator and full-time mother, Genevieve is deeply connected to her creative side. A project to teach her two young girls about Indian art heritage soon metamorphosed into a deep, thought-provoking journey. A conversation with her father-in-law, a fond reminiscence of his own mother’s Madhubani painting skills, a vow of support, and many emotions later, a powerful dream of revival was born. Today, that dream is called Kutumb Kala.


A homemaker, mother of two and a grandmother of one, Deera Shetty’s family is her world. Her sense of community and compassion is unrivalled. When she heard about Kutumb Kala, she instantly knew – this dream required her compassion, commitment and love for community. She propelled it forward with all her might and intends to carry on doing that for the rest of her life.


An ex-Master Mariner, serial entrepreneur and a family man at heart, Satyanand has spent more than half his life travelling the world, but a part of him was always at home. Seeing his granddaughters’ joy while painting, he was reminded of his own childhood – watching his mother paint for hours. So, when he heard Genevieve and Deera talk making the world a better place for artists, he decided to be the investor, driving force and mentor in their journey. One that began from a casual discussion to a hope called Kutumb Kala.

Join hands with Shakuntala-Shyam Foundation

You can contribute to the Shakuntala-Shyam Foundation in multiple ways.

Financial Support

Donate to our cause. We will make sure your generosity touches the artists’ lives. To support us financially, please transfer your amount to the bank details given below.

Bank Name and Address: ICICI Bank, MIDC, Andheri
IFSC Code: ICIC0000544
Account Number: 054401005384

For receipt of your donation, please send a mail to with the transaction reference number and we will make sure to send the receipt across to you at the earliest.

Resource Support

Volunteer with us for research, fieldwork, distribution – whatever you can offer in a professional capacity. This is a cause that needs all hands on deck. If you’d like to volunteer, write to us at